Strict Diets No More, The Flexitarian Diet

Diet is a word that has so many connotations. For most people, the word that immediately comes to mind when they think of a diet is, strict. Diets become unsustainable fast because there is little wiggle room. It’s all or nothing, and for many, nothing becomes the better option. The problem lies in the diets themselves. They are hard to follow and become too complicated to make them worth it. So, what’s the solution?

Dietician Dawn Jackson Blatner created one with the name: flexitarian. By combining the two words, flexible and vegetarian, she grew the idea of a new diet on the platform of flexibility. In a world of rules, the diet makes its presence known by solely promoting less meat consumption and incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The catch, there are none because you can be a vegetarian most of the time.

The principal rule of the flexitarian diet is that it is flexible. You don’t have to follow any harsh guidelines, instead create your own path. This diet gives people a creative solution to the usually strict diets of veganism and vegetarianism. 

A flexitarian diet is mostly vegetarian, but it allows meat dishes to be consumed, just on less of a regular basis. Flexitarianism reframes the mind around diets because instead of taking away food it promotes adding new ones. Including more of a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains with an emphasis on whole foods. It helps you stray away from processed and high-calorie foods.

The interesting thing about this diet is that it doesn’t have any rules, and for that reason, it has become very popular. On the other hand, with no rules what makes people follow the flexitarian diet? 

Although the flexitarian diet cannot be classified as a vegetarian diet, it is very similar, so the benefits from vegetarianism apply to both. 

Helps Lose Weight

Per calorie, plant-based foods have less than their counterparts. Although with occasional meat consumption, the amount of weight loss is less than vegetarian and vegan diets. It still can help to shave off some pounds. 

Lower Carbon Footprint

Surprisingly, just by reducing the amount of meat you consume, you can decrease your carbon footprint. Think about it, animals need land to graze, feed to eat, and emit carbon dioxide. So by reducing the amount of meat you eat, you can considerably make a difference in your carbon footprint on the planet. 

Reduces The Chances of Cancer

By solely transitioning to eating more plant-based foods, you have an 8% decrease in the likelihood of getting cancer. That is a great reason to change your diet. Foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds help to prevent cancer. Even by eating meat less often, it increases the likelihood of better health.

The flexitarian diet gives people a way to diet without the harsh limitations that usually coincide. Staying healthy can be a pain. Who wants to throw away tasty foods that you’ve been eating forever like burgers, chicken nuggets, and bacon? That is difficult for everyone because those are staples in the food community. For that reason, it becomes very difficult to wrap your head around dieting and actually sticking to it. 

So, instead of jumping right into the deep end of a diet, you can now slowly ease yourself into one with flexitarianism. You don’t have to immediately give up your comfort foods because the flexitarian diet does not require cutting out meat, only reducing the amount. You can finally take baby steps when introducing a diet. 

If you are looking to make a healthier life choice without the obvious struggles and complexities of diets, try out flexitarianism. It promotes being a vegetarian, most of the time. 

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