Committing to a 100 Day Challenge

In Korea, culture couples celebrate 100 days of dating, commemorating the day with couple rings. After 100 days of dating in Korean culture, the relationship has moved into a serious stage. This tradition originates from “Baek-il,” celebrating an infant’s 100th day from birth.

Korean infants had low survival rates due to disease, weather conditions and lack of access to medical information. On the 100th day, families prayed and gave offerings to the Shaman spirit of childbirth because if an infant could survive the turbulent 100 days without illness, it signified a long and healthy life. Baek-li no longer is a significant celebration in the culture but has influenced Korean culture.

From this tradition, I decided to commit to a 100-day challenge and my reward will be healthier habits and a round baguette diamond ring.

I have committed to a high interval intensity training workout every day, reading 30 pages daily, decreasing social media time, and committing to my hobbies. If I miss a day or underperform, I must reset from day one. My activities produce instant gratification but prolonging the reward of a ring teaches me that small daily changes have long-term effects.

Transferring Habits into a Lifestyle

The 21/90 Rule states behavior becomes a habit after 21 days and continuing that habit for 90 additional days leads to permanent lifestyle changes. Committing to one or two specific goals draws your attention to behaviors of your ideal self. Instead of saying I want to lose weight.

Create or find an intricate workout and commit to it every day or set a specific bodyweight to reach within 100 days. Your progress can be measured by endurance, weighing yourself and changes in your energy and body daily.

Focus on completing the daily task instead of attempting to build Rome in a day motivates individuals to keep striving for their goals due to a realistic timeline. The 100 Day time constraint creates commitment, determination, and focus on the end goal. By the end of this transformational period, you will have changed your lifestyle and added a missing value to your life. Don’t start tomorrow. Start today.

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