
Discovering self-love opens the world for individuals. A quote from The Perks of Being a Wallflower, “We accept the love we think we deserve,” exemplifies the importance of self-love and self-identity. Millions of songs, movies, and TV shows are centered around love, yet most people cannot conceptualize the word. Attachment… Continue reading

Committing to a 100 Day Challenge

In Korea, culture couples celebrate 100 days of dating, commemorating the day with couple rings. After 100 days of dating in Korean culture, the relationship has moved into a serious stage. This tradition originates from “Baek-il,” celebrating an infant’s 100th day from birth. Korean infants had low survival rates due… Continue reading

Is Anxiety Prohibiting Your Progress

Feedback breeds uncertainty that manifests into avoidance, which develops into a vicious loop for most people. Feedback, predominantly negative or constructive feedback, sends people into a spiral. People often begin feeling inadequate or expect an immediate change, often met with disappointment and procrastination. For many, the root of these feelings… Continue reading

The Origin of Saint Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick’s Day has been observed since 1601, exalting the patron Saint Patrick and celebrating the infusion of Christianity and Celtic traditions.  The Patron Saint of Ireland Saint Patrick was born in 385 to a wealthy family in Great Britain. At age 16, Irish raiders kidnapped St. Patrick from his… Continue reading