How to Overcome the Early Stages of Exercise

Exercising is such an asset once it becomes a routine in life. From increasing energy and happiness to improving the healthiness of the mind and body, working out has been proven to do all that and more. The downside is that it is extremely difficult to make and stick to a plan. Those benefits are easily forgotten after a loss of motivation, seeing little results, and not caring anymore. 

As my mother likes to say, “All you need to do is start,” and working out is no exception. The only catch is that you need to start with a plan and framed state of mind. Without one, you are more likely to fail. So, let’s do what you set out to do, and here’s how.

Figure Out Why

Whether you want to gain muscle, lose weight, or get a six-pack it doesn’t matter. Understanding your reason for working out will help you stay on track. Someone who exercises just to exercise is bound for failure. If you don’t know why you are starting something in the first place, giving up is easy. 

Having that specific reason doesn’t allow you to give up easily because if you do, those six-pack abs are not attainable anymore. Not allowing yourself to give up and forcing that dream to become reality is a powerful motivator and one that lasts a lot longer than just between workouts.

Ease Into the Process

Go slow. Start really small. Now you might be thinking, what is the point of that? The point is that you don’t want to burn yourself out. Having the motivation to exercise and put in the effort is great. That is how you start, but motivation doesn’t last forever. Think of the New Year’s resolutions. A common resolution is to start working out and a lot of the time most people are all so dedicated in the beginning, but after a couple of weeks or months, they stop. Most of the time, the reason someone stops their workout is because they don’t ease into a routine and burn themselves out.

A routine is built over a long period of time, not in a couple of weeks. So, the reason for starting small is to get yourself used to the action of exercise and to make it a habit. Once it becomes a habit you have full reign to do what you want, but before that happens don’t put your body into overtime whenever you pick up a weight or hop on the treadmill.

Set Specific Goals

A lot of the time people who enter into the world of fitness create these grandiose dreams of looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger or running a marathon in a couple of months. I admire the confidence, but those are just not realistic. It’s impossible to look like and lift the amount that Arnold does quickly. These goals are ones that you achieve after a long time of continuous training. Instead, look forward to those goals after completing each step one at a time.

Setting specific goals like working out two times a week or exercising for 30 minutes each session, are much more attainable. This helps you stay motivated. By hitting your goals week after week, you will gain some momentum in your routine to stick with it. Thus, keeping you on track to obtain that ultimate goal of yours.

So, instead of chasing a dream that is years away, you are accomplishing what you set out to do every week. That feels good, and that sense of accomplishment becomes a powerful motivator along the way. 

Understand That It Takes Time

If you begin exercising with the mindset that you will shed off 10 lbs. in the first week, you are setting yourself up for failure. Unrealistic expectations create a loss of motivation that leads to giving up. If you don’t achieve something in the timeframe that you thought you would, how could you stay motivated? It’s impossible. So, understand that fitness is a long process.

Knowing that achieving your goal will take time lifts a lot of pressure. Once you accurately frame your mind around the time it will take, exercise becomes less of a burden. The process shifts to bettering yourself after each workout. It transforms itself from something that was a means to an end to a journey that can and should be enjoyed as you move forward. 

Be Supportive of Yourself

You need to be in your own corner. Believe in yourself. It’s impossible to stick to a routine if all you hear in the back of your mind are thoughts of how you can’t do it and how you aren’t good enough. Those are only going to hinder progress. Switch that mindset around.

Start thinking of your own success. Letting yourself fall and helping yourself get back on your feet is very influential on your mind. If you forgive yourself and move forward without looking back, that will only push you towards where you want to go. So, start supporting yourself and acting like your own best friend. It will only make things easier for you. 

Find What Works for You

There is no workout plan that can guarantee enjoyment. While one plan may work for someone else, it may not work for you. So, don’t be afraid to try everything because if you like what you do it makes the process much easier. 

How can anyone be expected to continue something that they dread doing? That is impossible to ask of anyone. It is just not sustainable. The best option is to find what you enjoy and to stick with that because who doesn’t like doing what they love to do?

Celebrate Your Success

This cannot be stressed enough. If you stick to your routine long enough results will show. Once you see results, be proud of them. You have earned what you are looking at in the mirror. Remember, it is not selfish to admire yourself. Actually, it’s encouraged.

Know that you worked hard for those results. Every day that you may have dreaded the workout or felt exhausted afterward was worth it. You can look back with no regret and look forward to more with excitement. 


Exercise is a beast on its own. Mix in busy schedules and long days and it is only going to be harder to find the time. If working out interests you, give it a shot. So many people, including myself, are very happy that a workout routine has become a part of their life. So, if you want to make it part of yours try it and stick to it because once it becomes a habit it is an impossible one kick.

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